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The WordPress Toolbar is a way of easily accessing some of the most common WordPress features. When you are logged into your WordPress dashboard and you visit your website, you will see the Toolbar running across the top of your site. This bar only appears if you are currently logged into your WordPress site, which means that it won’t be visible to your everyday site visitors. If you are not logged in, the Toolbar won’t be displayed.

Homepage toolbar

The Toolbar allows you to quickly access the following commonly used features.

  • Visit the website, Codex or Support forums
  • Display your site Dashboard and other commonly used menu options that allow you to update your site Themes, Widgets and Menus
  • Visit the Customizer to update various site settings and depending on your theme, update your Background and Header images
  • View or Edit your blog comments
  • Add a new Post, Media, Page or User
  • Edit the current page
  • Perform a site Search
  • View or Edit your Profile and logout from the WordPress Dashboard