Styles Sidebar

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The Styles Sidebar is where you can customise the look of your site. At the moment you can customise the Typography, Colours and Layout of the site, although it’s likely that more options will be included further down the track.

The Styles Sidebar is taking over from the Customizer for Full Site Editor themes. In the past, a theme might have included options like typography or colour settings in the Customizer. For themes specifically built for the Full Site Editor, these customisation options will now be added to the Styles Sidebar, which is accessible from within the Full Site Editor.

To access the Styles Sidebar, click on the Styles icon (FSE Toolbar Styles Sidebar) in the main Editor Toolbar at the top of the screen. In the Styles Sidebar you’ll see options for Typography, Colors and Layout. Any changes made within here will be reflected across the whole of your site.

You can also customise individual blocks, using the Blocks option. Clicking on the Blocks option in the Styles Sidebar will show you a list of specific blocks. Clicking on a block type will allow you to customise the appearance of that particular block, across the whole site.

Full Site Editor Styles Sidebar