With each new version of WordPress comes an updated version of my easy to follow WordPress guide. With the release of WordPress 3.2, I've updated the manual to reflect all the new changes.

This new version of the Easy WP Guide is packed full and includes an extra 9 pages of WordPress goodness. As well as updating every single image in the guide to reflect the new user interface introduced in WordPress 3.2, I've also included annotations on all the images to help explain each topic.

There's also new sections covering the updated distraction free fullscreen editor, setting featured images and the new Post Formats that were introduced in 3.1. I've also expanded on a few of the topics to make them clearer as well as adding in a few extra images into some of the topics that didn't have them in the last version of the guide.

I hope you find this manual useful and as usual, you can download the PDF or (brandable) Word document or read it online. And for those people that aren't planning to update to WP 3.2 just yet, you can sill download the previous version of the Easy WP Guide or read v1.3 online.